The Commonwealth of Virginia's Ultimate Blog

Thursday, March 24, 2005

Sons of Liberty

As conservative bloggers in a state known for its resistance to tyranny going as far back as Bacon's Rebellion in 1675-1676 and later the Sons of Liberty of the American Revolution, we see ourselves as inheritors of that tradition of dissent against tyranny, in response to the overreaching arm of the government, of the all-powerful executive, today embodied in Governor Warner, the rich man in that house down in Richmond. We liken ourselves to the little rags that the Colonists were putting out in the 1760s and 1770s in response to oppressive, unjust, and unnecessary taxation such as the Stamp Act. Though our blogs are far more technologically proficient than the printing presses of the 1770s and we can respond to news with far more rapidity, we hope the end result is the same and that liberty is victorious as it tends to be in these parts of the world.


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