Lincoln Was Gay? Somehow I Missed That One
In a book coming out this week called The Intimate World of Abraham Lincoln, C.A. Tripp, apparently a sex researcher of some sort, asserts that Abraham Lincoln enjoyed sleeping with other men in beds a little more than your average 19th Century man. Somehow he manages to discuss this for 295 pages, a remarkable feat. This conclusion reminds of English Literature classes in college and the wild speculation and assertions made by literary criticists and deconstructionists based on random lines of prose or poetry.
CNN reports on the book's claims here.
You read these 295 pages? What does this say about YOU?
9:26 PM
This kind of nonsense is so ridiculous. It seems revoltingly prurient for anyone to even be interested at a remove of 140 years. Moreover, even if Mr. C.A. Tripp were on to something, it is absolutely mystifying as to why it would be worth knowing. Lincoln's place in history is well understood. While Oscar Wilde's preferences and predilections have relevance to understanding his place in literary history, is there any possible reason to think Lincoln's words, acts, or policies in the 1861-1865 period were influenced in a negative way by a little male-male grab-ass while out riding the Circuit? God only knows what went on in those times between consenting adults, but it cannot have the slightest meaning in the context of the titanic struggle that defined Lincoln and defines us down to the present day. What an absolute waste of paper
3:27 PM
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