Successful Return from Maxwell AFB, Alabama
I know that my posts have been tellingly absent over the last month and a half, but I have finally returned from officer training for the Air Force at Maxwell Air Force Base in sunny Montgomery, Alabama. I successfully completed Field Training and I will be commissioned as a JAG officer next May when I complete my final year of law school at THE University. It was the most intense 38 days of my life without exception, and I am fiercely proud of having come through the experience and grown as much as I did in it. It was difficult to be entirely cut off from news especially when the nomination was made. The officers there, knowing of my interest in what was going on, told me that Bush had made a nomination but refused to tell me who it was, and they tantalized me by giving me clues about the identity of the nominee. I did eventually learn from a news clipping received in a letter. Anyway, I'm currently vacationing in Chicago (hitting up a White Sox game and a Cubs game as well). I spent a few days in Louisville, Kentucky with my grandfather who is still basking in the glow of winning a huge state constitutional case before the Kentucky Supreme Court this spring. So expect to slowly see me get back into the rhythm of things with the blog.